Introduction: Heiner syndrome is a very rare but reversible lung disease caused by non-IgE-mediated hypersensitivity to cow's milk proteins resulting in an atypical pulmonary disease in babies and infants. Very few cases have been reported. Due to its heterogeneous manifestations, the diagnosis can be delayed since it can occur with chronic or recurrent infections of the upper or lower respiratory tract, fever, growth failure, or gastrointestinal symptoms. Pulmonary infiltrates can be mistaken for pneumonia, but Heiner’s syndrome is refractory to antibiotic treatment.
Case report: We describe the case of a 1-month-old newborn baby whose main symptom was hematemesis, which is a rare symptom. The diagnosis was confirmed with the complete disappearance of the symptoms when milk and dairy products were strictly avoided.
Conclusions: The prognosis is favorable if a milk-free diet is begun early. Most children will tolerate cow´s milk within a few years.
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