About the Journal

Focus and scope


Revista Alergia México (RAM) Official organ of the Mexican College of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, its objectives are to disseminate the knowledge resulting from original research in allergy and clinical immunology, mainly in spanish peaking countries. trends, methodologies and techniques used in these fields of knowledge and promote teaching, continuing medical education, quality control and specialty excellence.

RAM is an open access journal that has an independent Editorial Committee that presents the works received for review by national and international experts, who, under a double-blind peer review methodology, examine and determine their publication. The journal accepts original articles, review articles, case reports, clinical guidelines, short communications, and editorial comments.

All contributions are initially evaluated by the editorial committee to determine their suitability for the journal, articles that are considered suitable are normally sent to a minimum of two independent expert reviewers to assess the scientific quality of the article. The Editorial Committee is responsible for the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the articles and its decision is final.

Once the review has been carried out, the result will be notified within a period not exceeding 2 months from its sending and only to the corresponding author, which could be:

Accept submission: the document is accepted without changes according to the original version sent by the author(s).
Publishable with modifications: the reviewers and the editor agree that the article is of interest to them, but it requires modifications and that once they are made, they do not need to be resubmitted for evaluation.
Reassessable: the reviewers and the editor agree that the changes required by the document are of such magnitude that the corrected version merits a new evaluation.
Not publishable: the article does not correspond to the thematic line of the journal or the lack of quality cannot be corrected with modifications that can be made in the short term.
In the case of the need for modifications, the changes to be made will be notified in a timely manner, the authors have a maximum of one month from the notification to make said changes and send their work again, otherwise, their contribution will be rejected. .

If the authors withdraw their proposal, they have the right to withdraw their document by means of a formal written communication sent to the journal.


Revista Alergia México only accepts works that are submitted for review through the electronic system provided on the journal's website, in PDF format, the authors accept that the only official form of communication between them and the Editorial Committee is through the system editorial management of the magazine. , so it is the responsibility of the authors to maintain an updated and functional email address.

Letters to the editor related to articles published in Revista Alergia México in the last two issues are accepted. Own data is included if it contributes to reinforce the comment of the article in question.