Open Access Policy

Revista Alergia México joins open access initiatives such as the one proclaimed in the Berlin Declaration on Open Access to Knowledge in Sciences and Humanities, of March 18, 2013, in which the Internet is promoted as a functional instrument to spread knowledge. scientific knowledge. To do this, it makes available to the world community the complete version in electronic format of each of the articles it publishes and all its complementary materials.

As a repository of the intellectual property of the authors who publish in it, Revista Alergia México guarantees all users alike (consultants and the authors themselves), the free and irrevocable right to access the full content of the magazine through its site. web, as well as license to reproduce, transmit and display the documents for any responsible purpose, with the condition of proper acknowledgment of credits to the Journal.

About Open Journal Systems

This journal uses Open Journal Systems, which is open source journal management and publishing software developed, supported, and freely distributed by the Public Knowledge Project under the GNU General Public License. Visit PKP's website to learn more about the software. Please contact the journal directly with questions about the journal and submissions to the journal.