Atopic dermatitis: severity and control assessment during the COVID-19 pandemic, and determination of cardiovascular risk in adults.


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atopic dermatitis
cardiovascular risk


Background. The follow-up of patients with atopic dermatitis (AD) has become more difficult after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. To evaluate the comorbidities and cardiovascular risk of the patients is needed.

Objective. To determine the clinical course of AD in adults during the COVID-19 pandemic and to evaluate their comorbidities and cardiovascular risk.

Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted in adults with AD. Severity and control of AD, quality of life, levels of psychological stress, depression and cardiovascular risk were measured.

Results. Forty-two patients were included. A decrease in POEM score (11.83 vs 10.12; p=0.004) and PO-SCORAD (37.77 vs 32.49; p= 0.001) was observed in comparison to the scores at pandemic onset. The quality of life correlated with the severity of AD (p<0.0001) while the levels of stress and depression did not show association.  Most patients had a low cardiovascular risk.

Conclusions. The results suggest a decrease in the current severity of AD compared with severity before pandemic. Quality of life is associated with AD severity.

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