Background: Acute liver failure in pediatric age is a serious multisystem disease, characterized by a failure of the synthesis and detoxification function of the liver. Among the etiologies, viral infection should be investigated. Treatment is supportive and some cases require liver transplantation.
Case report: A 2-year-old girl was admitted for acute liver failure. The PCR viral panel was positive for Adenovirus 41 and IgG antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 were also found. Supportive treatment was started without improvement, so intravenous immunoglobulin was administered, with resolution of the liver failure.
Conclusion: Immunoglobulin has immunomodulatory mechanisms in children with severe acute hepatitis of infectious etiology, so in some cases, its administration can be considered as adjuvant therapy.
Keywords: Acute liver failure, Hepatitis, Adenovirus, Immunoglobulin.
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