Consensus for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in primary care: resolving myths and legends based on evidence
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Primary care physician
Latin America
Clinical managment


Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a disease that significantly impacts the quality of life of patients. Although there are multiple evidence-based guidelines, they are usually aimed at providing recommendations to AD specialists rather than primary care physicians (PCPs). The aim of this study was to construct a consensus document for PCPs, with the aim of presenting evidence-based recommendations that allow general practitioners, family physicians, pediatricians, internists and emergency physicians to provide appropriate care to AD patients, facilitating their diagnosis, management, and avoiding delays that can deteriorate patients’ f quality of life. As a central source of information, we used the recommendations of different international AD guidelines. Delegates from distinct medical societies identify barriers to care and possible solutions for the application of recommendations in primary care. Subsequently, a second evaluation for physicians from different Latin American countries was carried out. The main doubts and barriers that PCPs face in applying the recommendations proposed by the guidelines were identified across different areas, diagnostic criteria, non-pharmacological therapies, pharmacological therapies, management in special conditions and guidelines for referral to a specialist. Consensus solutions were proposed for each identified issue. In conclusion, this consensus contains recommendations regarding the management and treatment of AD in children and adults, which clarify doubts and provide tools to primary care physicians to offer effective treatment for patients and their families.

Keywords: Allergy; Primary care physicians; Atopy; Atopic dermatitis; Consensus; Latin America; Treatment; Evidence-based guidelines.

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