Background: Adverse reactions to drugs are increasing and there are few studies for the diagnosis.
Objective: To determine the utility of modified basophil degranulation (MBD) test and modified leukocyte migration inhibition factor (MLMIF) test to prove drug hypersensitivity.
Methods: 177 patients of both sexes were studied with the diagnosis of drug hypersensitivity, determining MBD, MLMIF, or both, between 2009 and 2014. They were matched with positive and negative controls and the non-allergic population. Applications are issued according to the type of hypersensitivity, considering type I MBD and type IV MLMIF.
Results: 170 patients (96.04%) were positive to at least one drug (RR = 4.71). 561 MBD (73.62%) and 201 MLMIF (26.37%) were performed. Female sex was more frequent (64.41%); the average age was 38.5. MBD was positive in 70.23% and MLMIF in 67.16%. The test sensitivity was increased complementarily and with two dilutions. The correlation of MBD and MLMIF was positive and highly significant.
Conclusions: Women have more drug reactions. Modified MBD test is useful at any age. Since medications can activate one or other hypersensitivity mechanism, it is important to request the tests simultaneously.
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