Descriptive statistics


Descriptive statistics


Descriptive statistics is the branch of statistics that gives recommendations on how to summarize clearly and simply research data in tables, figures, charts, or graphs. Before performing a descriptive analysis it is paramount to summarize its goal or goals, and to identify the measurement scales of the different variables recorded in the study. Tables or charts aim to provide timely information on the results of an investigation. The graphs show trends and can be histograms, pie charts, “box and whiskers” plots, line graphs, or scatter plots. Images serve as examples to reinforce concepts or facts. The choice of a chart, graph, or image must be based on the study objectives. Usually it is not recommended to use more than seven in an article, also depending on its length.


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Ressing M, Blettner M, Klug SJ. Systematic reviews and meta-analyses. Dstch Arztebl Int. 2009;106(27):456-463. doi: 10.3238/arztebl.2009.0456

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