Prevalence of Pollinosis in Patients with Allergic Asthma, Rhinitis and Conjunctivitis in the South of Mexico City 2007-2013


allergic conjunctivitis
Mexico City.


Background: The prevalence of pollinosis has doubled in the past two decades. Several studies suggest that up to 50% of adult residents of Mexico City can present manifestations of respiratory allergy, and pol- lens from trees, grasses and weeds are a common cause. To determine the prevalence of their families and antigenic cross-reactivity allows us to offer appropriate diagnoses and treatments.

Objective: To know the prevalence of sensitization of pollens to trees, grasses and weeds in adults with respiratory allergy of the South zone of Mexico City from January 2007 to December 2013.

Material and method: A cross-sectional, observational and prospective study was done with patients from Mexico City, referred to the National Medical Center Siglo XXI, IMSS, from 2007 to 2013 with a diagnosis of allergic rhinitis, asthma and conjunctivitis. We analyzed the results of skin prick tests to pollens from trees, grasses and weeds in selected patients. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics.

Results: A total of 672 patients were analyzed, 70% men, the average age was 34 ± 16 years. Regarding occupation 31% were students, 48% employees and 21% housewives. Fifty-three percent had rhinitis, 47% had asthma and 40.5% had both, asthma and rhinitis. Prevalence of sensitization to weeds was 56%, 33% to trees and 11% to grasses.

Conclusions: Sensitization to weeds is the rst cause of respiratory pol- linosis in the south of Mexico City, Amaranthus was the most prevalent pollen in this area. Sensitization to trees is the second cause, with a predominance of trees form Betulaceae, Fagaceae and Oleacea families. Sensitization to grass is the third cause of respiratory pollinosis. The most common are from Pooideae (Lolium perenne), Chloroideae and Cynodon/Dactylon family.



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