Infectious and inflammatory gastrointestinal manifestations of chronic granulomatous disease
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Enfermedad granulomatosa crónica
enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal
manifestaciones gastrointestinales


Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is an inborn error of immunity caused by a defect in one of the components of the NADPH oxidase complex, which is responsible for generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) during the respiratory burst in phagocytes. The absence of ROS produced by NADPH oxidase in neutrophils and in macrophages leads to greater susceptibility to certain bacterial and fungal infections, and also to inflammatory manifestations due to a deregulated inflammatory response, which suggests that the ability to adequately regulate inflammatory signaling depends on ROS produced by NADPH oxidase. The disease course in patients with X-linked CGD is more severe, with recurrent invasive infections; in contrast, patients with non-classic CGD do not present invasive bacterial or fungal infections, but have more prominent inflammatory manifestations. The most frequent gastrointestinal manifestations are stomatitis, gingivitis, chronic diarrhea, liver abscesses that are similar to inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and granulomas that can cause obstruction or stenosis in the esophagus, stomach or intestine. It has been observed that the deficiency of p40phox and ROS (non-classic CGD) are associated with greater susceptibility to colitis and the development of severe inflammation; therefore, it is presented that these proteins participate in the resolution of inflammation. In general, the inflammatory findings in CGD, including gastrointestinal manifestations, are seldom described. In international cohorts, manifestations that are similar to IBD are reported in up to 58% of patients with CGD; however, in the only Mexican cohort, its finding is described in only 4 out of 93 patients (4.3%). In this review, we summarize the gastrointestinal clinical findings of CGD, including infectious and inflammatory manifestations, emphasizing on the latter.

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