Ethics rules


Aware of the importance of maintaining high ethical standards and of the responsibility inherent in scientific publication, the RAM adheres to the principles of transparency and good practices of scientific publications proposed by the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE). In the event of a bad practice on the part of the authors, the Journal will proceed according to the flow charts established by COPE.

anti-plagiarism policy

Manuscripts submitted for review in the Journal must be original and unpublished. The editorial team will check the originality of all the manuscripts submitted to the journal through a plagiarism detection tool, which shows a percentage of matches with other documents. By submitting a manuscript for review by the Journal, the authors agree that the document will be examined in order to avoid situations of plagiarism and promote ethics policies in publications.

authorship policy

In accordance with the guidelines of organizations such as the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), the Journal considers that the participation of a person as an author in a work results from their significant contribution to its scientific aspects. In this sense, for a person to be included as an author in a manuscript, they must meet the following four requirements:

Have made a substantial contribution to the conception or design of the work; or to the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the job.
To have participated in the drafting of the manuscript or the critical review of it in terms of its important intellectual content.
Have approved the final version to be published.
Be able to answer for all aspects of the manuscript in order to ensure that issues related to the accuracy or completeness of any part of the work are adequately investigated and resolved.

It is the collective responsibility of the authors, not of the Journal, to determine that all and only the people who meet the four requirements appear in the manuscript. The Journal declines any responsibility for possible conflicts derived from the authorship of the works that are published. However, for purposes of efficiency in the editorial process, the Journal will maintain correspondence with only one person explicitly designated by the authors.


Contributors who do not meet the four authorship criteria should not be listed as authors, but may be acknowledged in the acknowledgments. For example, having assisted in data collection, supporting funding, assisting in writing or general supervision of a research group; are not, by themselves (without other contributions), sufficient criteria to appear as an author. Contributors may be acknowledged in the acknowledgments, individually or in groups, under a single reference (for example, “participating researchers”) and their contributions should be specified (for example, as scientific advisors, critical reviewers of the research proposal, etc.). study, data collection or having participated in the writing of the manuscript). In case of requiring authorization from the people recognized in the acknowledgments, it is the responsibility of the authors to have the permissions in writing.

Contribution of the authors Taxonomy CRediT


In order to strengthen the scientific integrity of the articles published in the Journal and reduce possible disputes due to authorship conflicts, manuscripts by two or more authors are requested to describe the contributions of each of them based on the CRediT Taxonomy. (Contributor Roles Taxonomy) established by CASRAI, this taxonomy must be sent by the corresponding author in the checklist for sending manuscripts together with the application files, it must also be read and approved by all the authors involved.

Keep in mind that an author's contribution can simultaneously have some of the following roles of the CRediT Taxonomy:

Conceptualization: ideas; formulation or evolution of the objectives and general goals of the investigation.
Data curation: Management activities to annotate (produce metadata), clean data, and maintain research data (including software code, where necessary to interpret the data itself) for initial use and subsequent reuse.
Formal analysis: application of statistical, mathematical, computational, or other formal techniques to analyze or synthesize study data.
Acquisition of Funds: Acquisition of financial support for the project leading to this publication.
Investigation: conducting an investigation and

research process, specifically conducting the experiments, or collecting data/evidence.
Methodology: development or design of the methodology; model creation.
Project administration: management responsibility and coordination of the planning and execution of the research activity.
Resources: supply of study materials, reagents, materials, patients, laboratory samples, animals, instrumentation, computer resources or other analysis tools.
Software: programming, software development; design of computer programs; implementation of computer code and supporting algorithms; Test existing code components.
Supervision: Supervisory responsibility and leadership in the planning and execution of research activities, including external mentoring to the core team.
Validation: Verification, either as part of the activity or separately, of the general replicability/reproducibility of the results/experiments and other products of the research.
Visualization: preparation, creation, and/or presentation of published work, specifically the visualization/presentation of data.
Writing – original draft: preparation, creation and/or presentation of the published work, specifically the writing of the initial draft (including substantive translation).
Writing – review and editing: preparation, creation and/or presentation of the work published by the members of the original research group, specifically critical review, commentary or review – including the stages before or after publication.

Quantity, order and frequency of authors

The Journal only receives manuscripts with a maximum of seven authors. Only in exceptional cases, in the case of inter-institutional studies of considerable size or complexity, the authors may submit the manuscript with a number of authors that exceeds the maximum. For the above, a document must be added where the reasons are expressed and it must be signed by all the authors. The receipt of the request does not obligate the acceptance of the manuscript by the Journal.

On the other hand, the Journal will not publish more than one article by the same author, for example, it will also be made clear that, in order to submit a new original manuscript to the Journal, the author will have to wait a minimum period of one and a half years.

Once the manuscript has been sent to the Journals, it will not be possible to make changes in the order or in the number of authors, so all questions related to authorship must be resolved before submitting the manuscript for the first time.

Corresponding Author

He is the only person who will assume the main responsibility for communication with the journal during the submission of the manuscript, the review by peer reviewers and the publication process, and will guarantee that all the administrative requirements of the Journal (filling out the checklist, compilation of resumes, management of signatures, declaration of commitment of authors) are filled out correctly. And while some of those tasks might be delegated to one or more co-authors, the corresponding author should always be available throughout the process to answer editorial questions in a timely manner.

Authorizations and permissions

The authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permissions to partially reproduce material (text, tables or figures) from other publications and for correctly citing their source. The collaborations that appear here do not, however, reflect the thinking of the Magazine. They are published under the responsibility of the authors.

If the author of an article wishes to include it later in another publication, the journal where it is published must clearly indicate the data of the original publication, prior authorization requested from the editors of the journal.

For its part, the Magazine reserves the rights of printing, total or partial reproduction of the material, as well as the right to accept or reject it. Likewise, it reserves the right to make any editorial modification it deems appropriate. In this case, the author will receive written recommendations from both the Editorial Committee and the reviewers. If he accepts them, he must deliver the article with the suggested adjustments within the dates set by the Journal to guarantee its publication.

Copyright Transfer

The "Assignment of Rights" format will be sent together with the article, respectively signed by each of the authors.

The judgments and opinions expressed in the articles and communications published in the journal are those of the author(s) and not of the Editorial Committee or the institution that publishes them.

Publishing Rights

If the document is accepted for publication, the reproduction rights will belong to the Mexican College of Clinical Immunology and Allergy. As stated, each item must

be accompanied by the commitment declaration format of the authors in which it is specified that this is unpublished, indicating that the reproduction rights are the exclusive property of the Journal, in addition to other aspects that are explicit in the document such as its non-presentation simultaneous for publication in another journal. On the other hand, the author is responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to reproduce any material protected by reproduction rights and must clearly specify the table, figure or text to be cited and the complete bibliographical reference. The opinions, judgments and points of view promoted by the authors are their sole responsibility and do not reflect the criteria or policies of the journal.

conflict of interests

The Journal expects the authors to declare any commercial association that may represent a conflict of interest in connection with the submitted article.

Due to the nature of the articles that may eventually be published in the journal, it is possible that conflicting interests may arise that may affect the impartiality of the editorial conditions or in relation to the authors; therefore, each author must make an effort to identify them.

In this sense, the authors must attach, together with the article and the declaration of commitment, a communication addressed to the journal expressing clearly and concisely if there are conflicts of interest, specifying each one of them. In this communication, they must also specify the source of funding for the research carried out; as well as the declaration of any commercial, financial or personal link that may affect the article or the publishing institution.

Article Retraction Policy

Regarding the possibility of retraction regarding the publications included in the Magazine; which consists of the possibility of invalidating or annulling, in whole or in part, what was previously said or included in any copy thereof, the Revista Alergia Mexico establishes the following policy.

The Revista Alergia México  strictly adheres to the guidelines given by COPE, in relation to the grounds for retraction for the articles published in it; Faced with this, they will be general causes of retraction for the publications:

Non-compliance with requirements in the editorial process.
The proven falsehood of information and with which the editorial process was advanced.
Verification of bad editorial practices by the authors.
Failure to comply with the ethical principles that must be observed.
Deliberately include imprecise or inaccurate information.

Article Retraction Policy

Retraction, as the action of withdrawing, reducing or renouncing something, expresses the power that assists the author of a work or article to express his desire to ignore or renounce what has been previously said or consigned and is manifested in a practical way, and in the possibility of the author, to make it known to his readers by the same means by which the article or work that he renounces was made known. The retraction is a personal fact, derived from the autonomy of the author's will and rom his thought and reflection processes.

Procedure for retraction and retraction

For the cases of retraction and retraction under which it is intended to invalidate or annul, in whole or in part, what was said or added previously in any issue of the Magazine, as well as retract or renounce a work, article or opinion consigned , the author or third party with proven legal interests who intends to make use of this policy must send a written communication to the Editor of the Journal; in which, making use of his capacity as author or sending evidence of his legal interest for the request, depending on him, he will present the arguments and provide the necessary evidence to request the retraction, specifying its scope. In cases of retraction, the author will arrive at the retraction note that must be included to be considered for consideration by the Editor and the Editorial Committee.

After the above, and once the documents sent have been verified ―or after verifying their authorship in the case of retraction―, within a period of no more than 10 business days, the Editor will proceed to present the case before the Editorial Committee. ; who will deliberate and decide by vote, under a simple majority (half plus one), on the request; if accepted, it will be processed within a period of no more than 30 business days.

There will be no appeal against the decision; however, the applicant or another person, with a legitimate interest in the subject, may request the retraction or retraction again, as the case may be, and provide or improve the evidence previously provided. Any member of the Editorial Committee may request

process the procedure for retraction. In the case of retraction, only the authors or rights holders may make the request.

Once it has been decided on the origin of the retraction or retraction, as the case may be, this will be carried out in the next issue of the published Magazine; as long as it is still editorially possible; otherwise, it will be done in the next edition. For the cases of retraction, the note provided by the author was obtained.

Procedure for duplication

For the duplication of texts, which consists of the possibility of copying or reproducing textually, one or more times, a content or literary work, in a new support (digital or any other format), the Journal accepts the following procedure general: all editorial material, in respect of which its duplication has been requested or determined, will be headed with a legend that clearly identifies its quality as a duplicate and that differentiates it from the original.

To carry out this type of reproduction, the applicant must fill out the internal duplication request form and send it to the magazine's email ( The format must be filled out by the person responsible for the procedure, even when be the same magazine that determines its need.

Procedure for incorporation of errata

The errata, for the publications of the Magazine, must be understood as the usual method of editing and subsequent editing of any article, by means of which all the errors that have been detected in a copy of the magazine are corrected. For this procedure, it must be taken into account that, if only part of the article contains an error, this can be rectified later by means of an editorial note or an errata.

In the event that an author or any third party, including journal staff, discovers a serious error in the publication, he or she must communicate it in writing and accurately to the Editorial Committee in order to amend it through the errata.

In order to carry out this type of correction to the editorial material, once the incidence of the fact and the way to solve it have been determined, the errata is evidenced in one of the initial pages of the next issue of the magazine; as long as it is still editorially possible; otherwise, it will be done in the next edition.

Procedure against originality and plagiarism

For the purposes of this policy, originality must be expected from two perspectives: first, as the certainty that the work comes from who claims to be its author; the second, that it is new and different from others created previously. The concept of plagiarism also refers to the fact that the work or article is distinguished from unauthorized copies, falsifications or derivations or from the unauthorized or appropriate use of fragments of other works.

It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure the originality of the articles contributed to the journal, as well as the veracity of the data and results included in them, expressing clearly and concisely that the contents are original and that they have not been copied, invented, distorted or manipulated.

The plagiarism or unauthorized use of external or third-party content, in all its forms, is totally rejected by the Magazine; likewise, multiple or redundant publication is considered a serious breach of ethics.

The authors will refrain from sending to the Journal, texts that have been submitted at the same time for consideration in another journal; It is possible to publish content that expands others already published or under consideration, as long as the text on which it is based is duly cited.

As in the case of retraction, in cases of duly verified plagiarism or unauthorized use of external or third-party content, the complainant must send a written communication to the Editor in which he will present the arguments and provide the necessary evidence for his complaint. After the above, and once the documents sent have been verified, within a period of no more than 10 business days, the Editor will proceed to present the case before the Editorial Committee; who will decide on its real and effective occurrence; In addition, they will inform the respective authorities, or those affected, as the case may be.

Conflict of interest events with evaluators

It is the responsibility of the internal and external evaluators of the Journal to declare any conflict of interest that arises in relation to the works submitted for their consideration.

A conflict of interest arises when, in the face of a work submitted for consideration by an evaluator or people who are part of the editorial team, there is a direct personal or professional relationship with its author, of enmity, or there is a relationship of any kind with the investigation that gave rise to it; praise

than a deep moral or ethical conflict with the same subject examined. In general, members of the editorial team and external evaluators must refrain from reviewing works when they incur in any of these or similar situations.

The editorial team of the journal will refrain from selecting evaluators with whom they are aware that they are or may be affected by any of the aforementioned situations.

Evaluator Confidentiality Statement

Always, without any exception, whoever evaluates or reviews a work submitted to the Journal must consider it totally confidential until its publication; Therefore, it will not be possible for you to reveal any aspect of your content or your personal opinions during the entire course of the review process and until the publication is finished.

It is clear that, in no case, it is possible to make public or use the information put into consideration; as well as details, arguments or interpretations of contents in the text under review, nor for their own benefit or that of third parties. Only in special and duly justified cases can you use the advice of experts in the field, a circumstance that must be reported to the Journal.

Ethical aspects

Where relevant, an explanation of the procedures followed in the investigation will be provided to ensure compliance with the ethical principles and standards of the 1975 Declaration of Helsinki.