Policy Guidelines

Manuscript guidelines

Revista Alergia Mexico accept  original papers focused on Allergy and Clinical immunology.
The following are general requirements for most study designs and papers formats.

For guidelines for each section, see editorial policies https://revistaalergia.mx/ojs/index.php/ram/about/submissions


Randomised controlled trials


Flow Diagram


Observational studies in epidemiology




Systematic reviews and meta-analyses


Flow Diagram


Studies of diagnostic accuracy


Flow Diagram


Qualitative research




Synthesis of qualitative research




Quality improvement in health care




Economic evaluations of health interventions




Case reports




Basic statistical reporting

General information about an article and its authors is presented on the title page of the manuscript and typically includes the article title, author information, disclaimers, supporting sources, word count, and sometimes the number of tables and figures.

Article title. The title provides a summary description of the entire article and should include information that, together with the abstract, will make electronic retrieval of the article sensitive and specific. Reporting guidelines recommend and some journals require that information on study design be part of the title (particularly important for randomized trials and systematic reviews and meta-analyses). Some journals require a short title, usually no more than 40 characters (including letters and spaces), on the cover or as a separate entry in an electronic submission system. Electronic filing systems may restrict the number of characters in the title.
Author information. The highest academic degrees of each author should be listed. The name of the department(s) and the institution(s) or organization(s) where the work should be attributed should be specified. Authors are required to provide full contact information, including mailing and email addresses, but the cover page must include the corresponding authors' phone numbers and email address. Revista Alergia México encourages inclusion in the Open Investigator and Collaborator Identification (ORCID) list of authors.
Disclaimers An example of a disclaimer is the author's statement that the views expressed in the submitted article are their own and not an official position of the institution or funder.
Source(s) of support. These include grants, equipment, medications, and/or other support that facilitated the completion of the work described in the article or the writing of the article itself. Inappropriate attribution of funding sources and affiliations is misleading and should be avoided.
The word count. A word count for the article text, excluding its abstract, acknowledgments, tables, figure legends, and references, allows editors and reviewers to assess whether the information contained in the article justifies the length of the article and whether the submitted manuscript fits to magazine formats. and word limits. A separate word count for the abstract is useful for the same reason.
Number of figures and tables. Some presentation systems require the specification of the number of figures and tables before uploading the corresponding files. These numbers allow the editorial staff and reviewers to confirm that all figures and tables were indeed included with the manuscript and, because tables and figures take up space, to assess whether the information provided by the figures and tables justifies the length of the article and whether the manuscript fits within the space limits of the journal.
b. Summary
Original research, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses require structured abstracts. The abstract should provide the context or background of the study and should state the purpose of the study, basic procedures (selection of study participants, settings, measurements, analytical methods), main findings (providing specific effect sizes and their meaning). statistical and clinical, if possible). ). ), and main conclusions. You should emphasize new and important aspects of the study or observations, point out important limitations, and not over-interpret the findings. Clinical trial summaries should include elements that the CONSORT group has identified as essential. Funding sources should be listed separately after the abstract to facilitate proper display and indexing for MEDLINE search retrieval.

The required format for funding sources should be listed separately after the abstract to facilitate proper display and indexing for retrieval of MEDLINE searches.

Because abstracts are the only substantial part of the article indexed in many electronic databases, and the only part read by many readers, authors must ensure that they accurately reflect the content of the article.

Revista Alergia México recommends that the registration number of the clinical trial be published at the end of the abstract. and I also recommend 

Provided that, where a registration number is available, authors indicate that number the first time they use a trial acronym to refer to the trial they are reporting or to other trials they mention in the manuscript. If the data has been deposited in a public repository and/or is being used in a secondary analysis, the authors should indicate at the end of the abstract the unique and persistent identifier of the dataset, the repository name and number.

Provide a context or background for the study (ie, the nature of the problem and its importance). State the specific purpose or objective of the investigation, or the hypotheses tested by the study or observation. Cite only directly relevant references and do not include data or conclusions from the reported work.

d. Methods
The guiding principle of the Methods section should be clarity about how and why a study was conducted in a particular way. The Methods section should aim to be detailed enough so that others with access to the data can reproduce the results. In general, the section should include only the information that was available at the time the plan or protocol for the study was written; all the information obtained during the study belongs to the Results section. If an organization was paid or contracted to help carry out the research (examples include data collection and management), then this should be detailed in the methods.

The Methods section must include one indicating that the research was approved by an independent local, regional, or national review body (eg, ethics committee, institutional review board). If there is doubt as to whether the research was conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, the authors should explain the rationale for their approach and demonstrate that the questionable aspects of the study will be clearly demonstrated by the local, regional or national review body.

Selection and Description of Participants
Clearly describe the selection of observational or experimental participants (healthy individuals or patients, including controls), including eligibility and exclusion criteria and a description of the source population. Because the relevance of variables such as age, gender, or ethnicity is not always known at the time of study design, investigators should aim to include representative populations in all study types and, at a minimum, provide descriptive data for these and other relevant demographic variables. . Discuss how representative the study sample is of the larger population of interest.

Ensure correct use of the terms sex (when reporting biological factors) and gender (identity, psychosocial or cultural factors) and, unless inappropriate, report the sex and/or gender of study participants, the sex of animals or cells, and describe the methods used to determine sex and gender. If the study was conducted with an exclusive population, for example, in a single sex, the authors must justify why, except in obvious cases (for example, prostate cancer)”. Authors must define how to determine race or ethnicity and justify its relevance. If race or ethnicity was not collected, please explain why it was not collected. Race and ethnicity are social and not biological constructions; authors should interpret the results associated with race and ethnicity in that context. Authors should use neutral, accurate, and respectful language to describe study participants and avoid using terminology that may stigmatize participants.

ii. technical information
Specify the primary and secondary objectives of the study, usually identified as primary and secondary outcomes. Identify the methods, equipment (indicate the name and address of the manufacturer in parentheses), and procedures in sufficient detail to enable others to reproduce the results. Give references to established methods, including statistical methods (see below); provide references and brief descriptions of methods that have been published but are not well known; describe new or substantially changed methods, give reasons for use, and assess their limitations. Accurately identify all drugs and chemicals used, including generic names, dosages, and routes of administration. Identify appropriate scientific names and gene names.

iii. statistics
Describe the statistical methods in sufficient detail to enable an experienced reader with access to the original data to judge their suitability for the study and to verify the reported results. When it is possible

quantify the results and present them with appropriate indicators of measurement error or uncertainty (such as confidence intervals). Avoid relying solely on statistical hypothesis tests, such as P-values, that do not convey important information about the size of the effect and the precision of the estimates. References for study design and statistical methods should be to standard works where possible (with page numbers indicated). Define statistical terms, abbreviations, and most symbols. Specify the statistical software packages and the versions used. Distinguish prespecified from exploratory analyses, including subgroup analyses.

IV. Results
Present your results in logical sequence in the text, tables, and figures, giving the main or most important results first. Do not repeat all data from tables or figures in the text; emphasize or summarize only the most important observations. Please provide data on all primary and secondary outcomes identified in the Methods Section. Additional or supplemental materials may and technical details be placed in a place where they will be accessible but will not interrupt the flow of the text, or may be published only in the electronic version of the journal.

Provide numerical results not only as derivatives (for example, percentages) but also as absolute numbers from which the derivatives are calculated. Restrict tables and to those necessary to explain the argument of the article and evaluate the supporting data. Use graphs as an alternative to tables with many entries; do not duplicate data in graphs and tables. Avoid non-technical uses of technical terms in statistics, such as "random" (implying a randomization device), "normal", "significant", "correlations", and "sample".

Separate reporting of data by demographic variables, such as age and gender, facilitates pooling of data from study subgroups and should be routine unless there are compelling reasons not to stratify reporting, which should be explained. .

F. Discussion
It is helpful to begin the discussion by summarizing the likely main findings and to explore possible mechanisms or investigations for these findings. Emphasize new and important aspects of your study and place your findings in the context of all the relevant evidence. State the limitations of your study and explore the implications of your findings for future research and for clinical practice or policy. Discuss the influence or association of variables, such as sex and/or gender, on your findings, where applicable, and the limitations of the data. Do not repeat in detail data or other information given in other parts of the manuscript, such as in the Introduction or the Results section.

Link the conclusions to the objectives of the study, but avoid unqualified statements and conclusions that are not adequately supported by the data. In particular, distinguish between clinical and statistical significance, and avoid making statements about economic benefits and costs unless the manuscript includes appropriate economic data and analysis. Avoid claiming priority or alluding to work that has not been completed. State new hypotheses when warranted, but label them clearly.

Yo. General considerations
Authors should provide direct references to original research sources whenever possible. References should not be used by authors, editors, or peer reviewers to promote their own interests. Authors should avoid citing articles in predatory journals or pseudo-journals. When preprints are cited, the citation must clearly indicate that the reference is a preprint (see also Section III.D.3). Although references to review articles can be an efficient way to guide readers to a body of literature, review articles do not always accurately reflect original work. On the other hand, extensive lists of references to original works on a topic can take up too much space. Fewer references to key original articles often serve as more exhaustive lists, especially since references can now be added to the electronic version of published articles and because the electronic literature search allows readers to retrieve published literature efficiently.

References to accepted but not yet published papers should be designated as “in press” or “forthcoming”. Information from submitted but not accepted manuscripts should be cited in the text as "unpublished observations" with the written permission of the source.

Published articles must reference unique and persistent identifiers

of the data sets used.

Avoid citing a “personal communication” unless it provides essential information that is not available from a public source, in which case the name of the person and the date of the communication should be cited in parentheses in the text. For scientific articles, obtain written permission and confirmation of accuracy from the source of a personal communication.

References should be checked using an electronic bibliographic source, such as PubMed, or hard copies of original sources. Authors are responsible for verifying that none of the references cite retracted articles except in the context of description of the retraction.

ii. style and format
References should follow the standards outlined on the NLM Sample References web page and detailed in the second edition of NLM Citing Medicine.

H. Tables
Tables capture information concisely and display it efficiently; also information provided at any desired level of detail and accuracy. Including data in tables instead of text often allows you to reduce the length of the text.

Prepare tables according to the specific requirements of the journal; To avoid errors, it is best if the tables can be imported directly into the journal's publishing software. Number the tables consecutively in the order of their first citation in the text and provide a title for each. Table titles should be brief but self-explanatory, with information that allows readers to understand the content of the table without having to go back to the text. Make sure each table is cited in the text.

Give each column a short or abbreviated title. Authors should place explanatory material in footnotes, not in the header. Explain all non-standard abbreviations in footnotes and use symbols to explain information if necessary. Symbols may vary from journal to journal (letter of the alphabet or symbols such as *, †, ‡, §), so consult each journal's instructions for authors for required practice. Identify statistical measures of variation, such as the standard deviation and standard error of the mean.

If you use data from another published or unpublished source, please obtain permission and fully acknowledge that source.

Additional tables that contain supporting data too extensive to publish in print may be appropriate for publication in the electronic version of the journal, deposited in an archival service, or made available to readers directly by the authors. An appropriate statement should be added to the text to inform readers that this additional information is available and where it can be found. Submit such tables for consideration with the document so they are available to reviewers.

. Illustrations (Figures)
Digital images of manuscript illustrations must be submitted in a format suitable for print publication. Most submission system instructions have details about the quality of the images and check them after the manuscript is uploaded. For print submissions, figures must be professionally drawn and photographed, or submitted as photo-quality digital prints.

For radiological and other clinical and diagnostic images, as well as images of pathology specimens or photomicrographs, please submit high-resolution photographic image files. Before and after images should be taken with the same intensity, direction and color of light. Since stains are used as a feature in many scientific articles, editors can request that the original photographs of the stains be placed on the journal's website.

Letters, numbers, and figure symbols must be clear and consistent at all times, and large enough to remain legible when the figure is reduced for publication. Figures should be as self-explanatory as possible, as many will be used directly in slide presentations. Titles and detailed explanations belong to the legends, not to the same illustrations.

Photomicrographs should have internal scale markers. Symbols, arrows or letters used in photomicrographs must contrast with the background. Explain the internal scale and identify the method of staining in photomicrographs.

Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they have been cited in the text. If a figure has been published previously, please acknowledge the original source and provide written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce it. Permission is required regardless of authority or publisher, except for documents in the public domain.

In the manuscript figures  should be on a separate page, with Arabic numerals corresponding to the illustrations. When symbols, arrows, numbers, or letters are used to identify parts of the illustrations, clearly identify and explain them in the legend.

J. Measurement units
Measurements of length, height, weight, and volume must be reported in metric units (meter, kilogram, or liter) or their decimal multiples.

Temperatures should be in degrees Celsius. Arterial pressures should be expressed in millimeters of mercury, unless the journal specifically requires other units.

Journals vary in the units they use to report hematologic, clinical chemistry, and other measures. The authors must consult the Information for Authors of the journal in particular and must report the laboratory information in the local and international System of Units (SI).

Publishers may request that authors add

alternate or non-SI units, since SI units are not universally used. Drug concentrations may be reported in SI or mass units, but the alternative should be provided in parentheses where applicable.

k. Abbreviations and Symbols
Use only standard abbreviations; the use of non-standard abbreviations can be confusing to readers. Avoid abbreviations in the title of the manuscript. The detailed abbreviation followed by the abbreviation in parentheses should be used at the first mention, unless the abbreviation is a standard unit of measure.

The following information may NOT appear in the manuscript file:

Any information that may identify any or all of the authors, including names, initials, and institutional affiliations. This includes any names or initials in the file name of the manuscript. Please note that Revista Alergia México uses a double-blind peer review system, which is why we cannot allow any identifiable information in the manuscript text or file names.
an abstract.
Final notes.
expressions of gratitude).
Any electronic supplement material.

Conflicts of interest





All authors must fill out and sign a separate document:

Retrieved from http://icmje.org/conflicts-of-interest

consent letter


consent requirement
The corresponding consents, permissions and releases must be obtained when the authors wish to include case details or other personal information or images of patients and any other person in a publication of Revista Alergia México to comply with all relevant laws and regulations related to privacy. and/or security of personal information, including, among others, the General Law for the Protection of Personal Data in Possession of Obliged Subjects New Law published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on January 26, 2017; Mexico.

Revista Alergia México does not provide a standard form as the specific requirements will vary between different jurisdictions and institutions. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that:

Each individual, or the individual's legal guardian or other person with legal authority to act on the individual's behalf, appearing in any video, recording, photograph, image, illustration, or case report (or in any other identifiable form) is aware of prior to:
the fact that such photographs are being taken or such video, recording, photograph, image, illustration or reportage is being made, and
all purposes for which they might use it, including disclosure to Revista Alergia México and use by Revista Alergia México or its licensors in any work or product and in promotional or advertising materials for those works or products. People should also be aware that individual images of such works or products may be discoverable through search engines.
That individual, legal guardian or person with legal authority must give their explicit written and fully informed consent.

If said consent is subject to any condition (for example, the adoption of measures to avoid the personal identification of the person in question), Revista Alergia México must be informed in writing of all those conditions. Individuals should be informed that such consent cannot be revoked once the material has been posted. Written consents must be retained by the author and copies of the consents or evidence that such consents have been obtained must be provided to Revista Alergia México if requested, but should not be sent to Revista Alergia México unless specifically requested in writing. .

The written consent form meets each requirement of all applicable data protection and privacy laws. Particular attention should be paid to obtaining fully informed consent without coercion when it comes to children, when a person has cognitive or intellectual disabilities, when a person's head or face appears, when reference is made to a person's name or other personal data, or with other vulnerable groups or individuals.
In the case of a child, if the parents or guardians do not agree to the use of that child's images, then consent should be deemed not to have been given and those images should not be used. It is also important to ensure that  use images of children in appropriate clothing to reduce the risk of images being used inappropriately.
Even if consent has been obtained, care must be taken to ensure that the depiction and captioning of the person in question is respectful and cannot be seen as a denigration of that person.
Special care should also be taken where there is the possibility of wide media coverage of a particular case report so that the individual is properly informed in advance of the potential scope of publicity and can make an informed decision about participating in it.


For guidelines for each section see editorial policies https://revistaalergia.mx/ojs/index.php/ram/about/submissions