The first report of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea (CSFR) was described in 1679. In 1826 it was reported that one of the possible causes of CSFR was a fistula between the subarachnoid space and the nasal cavity. In 1903, chemical analysis of the fluid was proposed as a diagnostic criterion. In Mexico there has been 32 case reports.
Case report. Forty-nine years old female with a history of nasal polyposis, profuse rhinorrhea and cephalea who attends the allergy department with the suspicion of allergic rhinitis. After anamnesis and physical evaluation, CSFR was suspected. Chemical analysis of the fluid, head CT and biopsy of nasal polyp were performed. An etmoidal fistula associated with carcinoma was confirmed.
Discussion and conclusions. Spontaneous fistulas are rare but can erosionate the bone and adjacent tissues. Diagnosis is based on the clinical findings, patient’s history and complementary studies such as beta-2-transferrin determination in nasal fluid.
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