Background: Asthma is a chronic airway in ammatory disease, for identification in the population epidemiological studies are required.
Objective: To validate a questionnaire of asthma diagnosis in children and adults.
Patients and method: A prolective, cross-sectional, homodemic and multicenter study was done in which a questionnaire of asthma for children and adults was subjected to a validation process was developed from November 2012 to February 2014, 300 patients, 150 children and 150 adults of both sexes, obtained from the Allergy department. The questionnaire was applied to adults from 13 years of age and to parents who have children age 12 and under. Each question was assigned a score as the sum of the points according to symptoms, when it reached a score equal to or greater than 0.75, asthma was diagnosed.
Results: The questionnaire of asthma was applied in adult population 13-70 years of age and fathers with children was 2-12 years old. The tests applied to questionnaire responses showed adults and children in good agreement in the test and retest interobserver agreement, this being substantial to almost perfect. The tests applied to criterion validity for both questionnaires showed a sensitivity of 90% in > 12y, and 90 % in children, and speci city of 91% and 90%, respectively PPV 92% and NPV 90% in > 12y and 90% PPV and 90% NPV in children. The criteria for content validity and expression are properly met. The homogeneity test Cronbach’s alpha was 0.7.
Conclusion: The questionnaire for diagnosis of asthma in adults and children has good intra- and interobserver agreement, with high sensi- tivity and specificity in the criterion validity.
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