Latex-papaya syndrome: an infrequent association




Background: Latex-fruit syndrome (LFS) is characterized by allergy to latex and plants. Papain, chymopapain, caricaine and class I chitinases are papaya’s most allergenic proteins. The similarity between latex hevein epitopes and papaya class I chitinases might explain the latex-papaya syndrome (LPS).

Objective: To describe the clinical characteristics of patients with LPS.

Methods: Cross-sectional, observational, descriptive study where 11 patients diagnosed with latex allergy by skin prick test and clinically diagnosed with papaya-induced anaphylaxis were included. The results were analyzed with descriptive statistics.

Results: Out of 11 patients with LPS, 72.7% were females (7 to 46 years), all with a history of papaya-induced anaphylaxis, identified by medical history and medical notes plus latex-positive skin prick tests, with 63.3% exhibiting anaphylaxis in the skin prick tests. Risk factors included multiple surgeries, another allergic disease, and being employed in the field of health; 63.6% were allergic to to other foods, 45.4% to medications, 45.4% had allergic rhinitis and 27.3% had asthma.

Conclusions: Hypersensitivity to papaya increases the risk of anaphylaxis in patients with latex allergy and, therefore, mortality. Clinical data is the main diagnostic tool. Education for the management of anaphylaxis with adrenaline self-administration is essential.



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