Peer Review Process

Revista Alergia Mexico adheres to the Recommendations for the preparation, presentation, edition and publication of academic papers in medical journals, of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, Vancouver style, updated in December 2013 and available at:

Peer review

For the evaluation of the articles that are received for possible publication, Revista Alergia México relies on the arbitration of experts from the same thematic field (peer evaluation) to which each document is circumscribed, in the double-blind modality: the evaluators do not know the identity of the authors of the articles, and the authors do not know the identity of the evaluators.


The editor selects two referees, who formulate suggestions to improve it.
The editor collects the comments and sends them to the author.
When the reviewers agree on the evaluation, the editor formulates his opinion, either positive or negative.
When there is a discrepancy in the evaluation of the referees, the editor may request the evaluation of a third specialist.
Types of opinions
Accept submission: the document is accepted without changes according to the original version submitted by the author(s).
Publishable with modifications: the referees and the editor agree that the article is of interest, but requires modifications and that once they have been made, it is not necessary to submit them for evaluation again.
Reassessable: the referees and the editor agree that the changes required by the document are of such magnitude that the corrected version warrants a new assessment.
Not publishable: the article does not correspond to the thematic line of the journal or the lack of quality cannot be overcome with modifications that can be carried out in the short term.

Ethical considerations

It is suggested not to submit several articles of the same study, since this can be considered as a redundant publication. The different results should be published in a single article. Each case that presents redundant publication will be evaluated individually.
The journal editor has the ability to judge and sanction if the research study and possible publication contains serious problems such as:
- Intentionally misinformation.
- The same manuscript has been previously published by a different author.
- The manuscript has been previously published by the same author.
- The manuscript has been submitted for editorial review in two journals at the same time.
- If the manuscript is published in another journal by the same author, without the permission of Revista Alergia México.
Once a document has been registered and the evaluation process has begun, it may not be submitted during this process to the consideration of any other journal or source of printed or electronic dissemination.