A cup with an unexpected outcome
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hypersensitivity; tonic; quinine



Quinine is an alkaloid with anti-infective properties. It is also an ingredient in tonic

waters. Hypersensitivity reactions with quinine had been described.

Case report:

A man presented, 3-4 hours after ingesting gin with “schweppes” tonic, eczemous

lesions on the lips and aphthous ulcers on the oral mucosa. 24 hours after the intake

an erythematous lesion on the second phalanx of his right hand appeared.

The following studies were performed:

-prick test with Aeroallergens, standard food battery and chloroquine: negative.

-Epicutaneous test: positive for quinine (++) and 'Schweppes' (++) after 48 hours

In the follow-up of the patient, we were informed that another tonic intake had occur.

He presented the same symptoms, including the erythematous lesion on the hand,

which he though hadn´t been in contact with the beverage.


We present a case of a delayed hypersensitivity reaction to quinine. Since it can be

found in foods and medicines, we highlight the importance of diagnostic accuracy.

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