Vol. 67 No. 3 (2020): Early publication
Early publication

Original articles

Dayeli Anani Garcia Torres, Ana Paola Macías-Robles, Liliana Pérez-Jiménez, María Berenice Rodríguez-Saldaña, Yensi Fabiola Albores-Chávez, Alberto Tlacuilo-Parra, Cynthia Irais Martínez-Martínez, Christopher Alonso-Llanes
Clinical characteristics of primary immunodeficiencies in children from a tertiary hospital
Juan Mariscal-Castro, Martín Bedolla-Barajas, Tonatiuh Ramses Bedolla-Pulido, María Victoria Domínguez-García, Tonantzin Isis Bedolla-Pulido, Jaime Morales-Romero, Carlos Meza-López, Luis Alfredo Jiménez-Huerta
The prevalence of oral allergy syndrome: regarding a new classification
María de Lourdes Mendoza-Gertrudis, Alejandro Rosas-Alvarado, Aída Andrea Velasco-Medina, Héctor Alberto Cuevas-Mora, Antonio Albarrán-Godínez, Margaret Gisette Moya-Almonte, Carla Marcela Vallejos-Pereira, Guillermo Velázquez Sámano
The prevalence of sensitization to cockroaches. Experience of an allergy service
Eleazar Mancilla-Hernández, Maria del Rocio Hernández-Morales
The efficacy and safety of two schemes of desensitization to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in HIV-positive patients

Review articles

Blanca E. Del Río-Navarro, Omar Josué Saucedo-Ramírez, Joaquín A. Pimentel-Hayashi
Food allergy, key points for clinical practice


Miguel García-Domínguez, Guadalupe del Carmen Valero-Gálvez, Carlos Alberto Velázquez-Ríos, Lizbeth Blancas-Galicia
Registry of Inborn errors of immunity in a pediatric hospital

Research methodology

Mario Enrique Rendón-Macías, Miguel Ángel Villasís-Keever
Phases to determine the clinical utility of diagnostic tests

Clinical reports

Patricia María O’Farrill-Romanillos, Anabel Ávila-Lara, Fabián Eduardo Álvarez-Chávez, Juan Carlos Tinajero, Ana Luisa Nayeli Torres, Edwin Daniel Maldonado-Domínguez
Occupational asthma. A case series
Silvio Espínola, Dory Mora
Type IV hypersensitivity to timolol
María Claudia Ortega-López, Abel Valderrama-Cisneros, Angie Sanabria-Cruz
Autoimmune encephalitis-limbic encephalitis. A clinical case

History of medicine

Alejandro Hernández-Solís, Guillermo Velázquez-Sámano, Raúl Cicero-Sabido
A brief review of respiratory diseases in pre-Hispanic times in Mexico